8 Years Later, & I Finally Noticed Hidden Gems in Me Before You!

OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

It’s hard to believe that Me Before You was released eight years ago, but this heart-wrenching film still pulls at our emotions just as much today. Whether you were Team Will or Team Lou, it’s likely the film left a lasting impression on you, but how many of the hidden gems did you catch along the way?

As I revisited the film recently, I couldn’t help but notice a few subtle details that had completely escaped me during the initial watch—and they’re worth sharing! 🤯 Here are some surprising hidden gems in Me Before You that you might have missed too!

1. Lou’s Colorful Wardrobe Tells a Story 🌈

At first glance, Louisa Clark’s quirky and bright clothing might seem like just a reflection of her unique personality. But look a little closer, and you’ll see her outfits subtly evolve as her relationship with Will deepens. In the beginning, her wardrobe is a riot of colors and patterns, symbolizing her carefree spirit. As she grows more serious about Will and their future, her outfits become more muted, reflecting the emotional weight she’s carrying.

2. The Bumblebee Tights Are More Than Just a Fashion Statement 🐝

One of the most iconic parts of Lou’s wardrobe is her bumblebee tights, which Will initially teases her about. But did you know they represent Lou’s desire to stand out and be noticed? The tights are a symbol of her individuality and her ability to remain vibrant, even in the face of life’s challenges. Will’s acknowledgment of the tights shows that he sees her for who she really is—something Lou had been searching for.

3. Will’s Parents’ Subtle Gestures 🏡

The nuanced performances by Will’s parents, Camilla and Steven, are easy to overlook, but if you pay attention, their subtle gestures tell a story of their own. Camilla’s tense posture and the way she frequently touches her necklace reveal her constant anxiety over Will’s condition. Meanwhile, Steven’s distant demeanor hints at his emotional detachment, both from Will’s suffering and from the breakdown of his relationship with his wife. Their strained marriage is quietly playing out in the background of Lou and Will’s love story.

4. The Importance of Music 🎶

Music plays an understated yet crucial role in Me Before You. From Ed Sheeran’s “Photograph” to Max Jury’s “Numb,” the film’s soundtrack is packed with songs that reflect the emotional journeys of the characters. Each track is carefully selected to echo the sentiments of the scene. Have you ever noticed that whenever Lou and Will share a moment, the background music tends to be more hopeful, while Will’s solo moments are underscored with melancholy tunes?

5. The Castle Is a Character in Itself 🏰

One of the most breathtaking settings in the film is the grand castle where Will lives, but have you ever considered that the castle acts as a character too? Its imposing, isolated structure represents Will’s internal imprisonment, as he feels trapped in his life after the accident. As Lou begins to break through his emotional walls, notice how the scenes in the castle gradually transition from dark and somber to lighter and more open.

6. The Butterfly Symbolism 🦋

If you look closely, you’ll notice butterflies scattered throughout the movie—in Lou’s room, on accessories, and even in background shots. This is no accident! Butterflies are symbols of transformation and hope, mirroring Lou’s personal growth and the life-changing impact she has on Will. The delicate creatures also represent the fleeting nature of life and love, reminding us of the bittersweet beauty of their story.

7. Will’s Struggle With Time ⏳

Time is a recurring motif in Me Before You, especially for Will, who is acutely aware of how much—and how little—he has left. Watch for the recurring shots of clocks and watches in Will’s scenes. It’s a subtle reminder that Will is constantly battling against time, making his decision to take control of his future all the more poignant.

8. The Ending Parallels the Beginning 🔄

The final scenes of Me Before You echo the opening moments of the film in an unexpected way. At the start, Will is full of life and energy, riding his motorcycle and embracing the thrill of life. By the end, Lou is the one embracing life, traveling to Paris as Will had once encouraged her to do. This parallel emphasizes the transfer of life and joy from Will to Lou, symbolizing the lasting impact he had on her, even after he’s gone.

Eight years later, it’s incredible how many layers of meaning are hidden in this seemingly simple love story. Me Before You continues to offer new insights with every watch, making it clear that it’s more than just a tearjerker—it’s a deeply emotional journey filled with rich symbolism and character depth.

So, what about you? Did you catch these hidden gems on your first watch, or did they surprise you like they did me? Let’s talk about it in the comments—because no matter how many times we watch, Me Before You always has something new to reveal. 💔

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