Tom Hardy Says His Favorite ’30 to 40 Minutes’ of ‘Venom’ Were Cut from Finished Movie

OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

In an interview that sparked both laughter and curiosity among fans, Tom Hardy, star of Venom, revealed that a significant portion of his favorite scenes—up to 40 minutes—were left on the cutting room floor. Speaking with ComicsExplained, Hardy opened up about the deleted scenes, which he fondly described as “mad puppeteering” and “dark comedy” sequences that never made it into the final version of the film.

“There are scenes that aren’t in this movie,” Hardy said candidly. “There are like 30 to 40 minutes’ worth of scenes that aren’t in this movie.” The revelation quickly piqued the interest of fans who wondered what kind of content was left out of the final cut of the anti-hero blockbuster.

Sitting alongside Hardy, his co-star Riz Ahmed, who played the villainous Carlton Drake in the film, jokingly asked, “Were they your favorite ones?” to which Hardy responded, “All of them, yeah.” He emphasized how much he enjoyed shooting those particular scenes, but it became clear they didn’t align with the movie’s final vision.

Ahmed, sensing an opportunity for some good-natured ribbing, quickly jumped in. “That’s in terms of you enjoyed filming them,” he said, downplaying the importance of the missing footage. The pair then engaged in a playful back-and-forth, with Hardy cheekily accusing Ahmed of suggesting the scenes were cut because they weren’t any good. “Doesn’t mean that they were any good, is what you were saying?” Hardy joked. “Is that what you’re saying? That they weren’t no good?”

Ahmed, not missing a beat, shrugged and replied with a laugh, “Sometimes. Well, if they didn’t make it into the film, they weren’t any good, bro. I hate to break it to you.” The exchange highlighted the strong camaraderie between the two actors, even as Ahmed playfully insinuated that the cut scenes may not have been as great as Hardy remembered.

“We all had a meeting and we watched it and we were like, ‘Tom enjoyed making it so much, but it wasn’t…’ It wasn’t what you thought it was,” Ahmed joked, adding a touch of comic relief to an otherwise surprising revelation.

Although Hardy was obviously disappointed that some of his favorite moments didn’t make the final cut, he took Ahmed’s humor in stride. “Thanks, bro,” Hardy replied, before cheekily asking, “And what was your favorite film, while we’re at it?”

Ahmed quickly fired back, “It was the scene that we did where you were much, much better than me and I’m really glad that they cut that out,” causing Hardy to burst into laughter.

The lighthearted banter between Hardy and Ahmed offers a glimpse into the fun atmosphere on the Venom set, but it also leaves fans wondering just what those 30 to 40 minutes of footage might have added to the film. Were they truly as exciting as Hardy remembers, or did they simply not fit the tone and pacing of the final product?

One thing is clear: with Hardy’s favorite scenes lost to the editing process, fans are now left to speculate whether a potential director’s cut or deleted scenes release might give them a chance to experience the full extent of Hardy’s dark comedy vision for Venom.

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